Seriously. I don't think I'll be able to stop taking silhouettes after this latest session. I've not sure how I'm going to narrow them down for this post.
I met up with Colleen, her friend Julie and their dogs Marley, Ollie and Rosco and magic happened...
3 months ago
These are ASTOUNDING. As in now I have to go hide in a corner and never post another dog picture again astounding.
Wow, that's all I can say.
Wow, those are amazing. I'm going to have to time it right one of these times when we go to the dyke and see if I can get anything 1/10th as good.
And now that the 'prove your not a robot' involves typing two words, I'm encouraging every one to remove the word verification. It is a PITA, and blogger is pretty darn good at weeding out any spam you might get.
LOVE the silhouettes! I'll definitely have to try this sometime!
AMAZING!!! Love the jumping one
Dachshund Nola
Wowza, those look amazing. I'm hoping to get some decent enough weather to try out some silhouettes, but will end up being thrilled if I get anything half as good as these!
I especially love the ones where the dogs are super dark, with just the bright outline against the dark clouds in the background. And the ones with the dog-human bond shown so strong.
"Magic"? "Magic" happened, you say? Well, these silhouettes so breathtakingly flawless.... "Magic" is an excellent word to describe them!! ;-}
Seriously awesome.
Magic is right! But also a very talented photographer!
The one dog, Rosco? In silhouette he looks like Snowy from TinTIn!
WOW! WOW! WOW!!!!!
Absolutely WOW!
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