A ball is probably Coulee's number one choice in toys if given a chance to pick what she wants (especially if you count Cuz toys which are sort of like balls). Lacey on the other hand usually prefers toys that you can shake. Last night however, we convinced her that chasing a ball could be pretty fun. And good thing too, as I needed a B theme for today!
3 months ago
Another great silhouette! Do you have someone else throwing the ball? I have a terrible time taking pictures if I am trying to throw stuff at the same time.....
A lovely picture. That was going to be my question, too--if you have someone else throwing the ball for you...
That is great!
This is my favorite silhouette yet!! Seriously!! It is so good!! ;)
Yeah, my Rose refuses to like balls, either.... She dislikes anything being thrown at her!! ;op
Lucy doesn't really chase balls either. Also, great silhouette! They are always super cool!
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