Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tooth Fairy

Coulee was pretty upset that we lost her tooth when it broke.

She's hoping when we get the rest of it pulled at the vet tomorrow, the tooth fairy will bring her goodies when she leaves it under her pillow.  Keep your paws crossed!


Blazingstar said...

Tally did this same thing, but 2 front teeth broke and had to be removed (2 dogs, 1 toy & a rock was the scenario...). Poor Coulee.

At one point my vet asked "shall we just take them all out now rather than doing this one at a time"?... yup, she broke quite a few teeth in her lifetime..... Hopefully this will the one and only one for Coulee!

onecollie said...

don't worry Coulee, I'm sure the tooth fairy will still bring you cookies :)
right Wendy :))

Kiyi Kiyi said...

Ouch! How did she do that?

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Amore !!!!!
Tante coccole per il suo dente rotto !
Baci Myriam :)