We brought Lacey home yesterday after her operation on Monday. We don't really have much news yet.
Due to the location of the tumour, there was no way we could get clean margins (which is usually the goal of any tumour removal) without taking her entire leg. We still might need to do that, but it will depend on the grade of the tumour. Unfortunately you can't determine the grade of the tumour without removing it, and there was no point in removing it without taking as much as we could. If it is a low grade, it will hopefully be "good enough", at least for now. But because of the location, it means they had to do a skin graft to seal up the area, which made things a little more complicated. They took skin from her thigh and grafted it to her foot and leg. She's gonna have a pretty hairy section if all goes well! :)

They also took the nearest lymph node to determine if it had spread. The node was definitely bigger than usual but that could have just been because it was working overtime to combat the tumour OR it could mean it's spread.
We should have results in a couple of days - hopefully by the end of the week. The only decision we've actually made is that if it is a high grade, and hasn't already spread, we'll take her leg. I was really tempted to do it this time to save her a potential 2nd surgery but they really didn't want to do that if it was a grade 1 tumour. Apparently for dogs that get Mast Cell Tumours repeatedly, they are usually all the same grade. As her first one was a grade 1 tumour we have high hopes that this one will be the same.
We haven't really figured out what we'll do if it has spread and we don't really know all our options yet either. We are taking it one step at a time.
She's already feeling quite a bit better. Yesterday she wasn't barking at anyone but today she not only barked at people in the park, but she picked up her favourite toy too.