So as I'm sure most of you have gathered, I don't really do people photos. :) Frankly people don't interest me as much as dogs. LOL. At least in terms of looks... If that makes any sense.
Anyway, when Lorelei asked if I would help at the Word on the Street Festival I instantly said yes, and then wondered what the heck I was thinking. As the day loomed closer, I looked forward to it less and less. The more I thought about it, the more I thought it was going to be a horrible chore. By the time the actual day arrived I almost had to drag myself there.
Imagine my surprise when it wasn't just OK, it was actually fun! I mean really fun. My favourite part was the kids. They were so absorbed in what they were doing, that for the most part, they had no idea their pictures were being taken. The parents also surprised me. Even though I was a stranger with a camera in their kids' faces, not a single person asked what I was doing and many of them actually got out of the way once they noticed me. I felt a little like a creepy stalker but apparently I didn't look like one. :)
Warning: Picture heavy post - and only one dog!
I was more than a little obsessed with the face painting station. I loved all the bright colours.

This girl was very intent on her chalk drawing.
There were some kids that were just so incredibly animated. This guy was definitely one of them.
This little girl was so serious the entire time she was playing with the ants.
Checking out the program while waiting in line for facepainting.
Reading up on becoming a foster parent. LOL
She really wasn't sure she wanted her face painted. I think I took a dozen photos of her and she had this look the entire time. The woman doing the painting was incredibly patient with her. She showed her the paint on her hand so she would know what it felt like and looked like and held up a mirror after putting the first bit of paint on her face. Despite all that, she was still never sure it was her cup of tea but she hung in there.
For some, the day was a little too long.
I took a tonne of photos at this fishing pond... I think this is the only one I was reasonably happy with!
I think the kids dancing to the entertainment was the most entertaining thing ever.
This guy was hanging out in the middle of the "dance floor" all by himself. He didn't want to dance, but he wanted the best view I guess.
I love seeing parents get involved. This guy was participating in a song about super heroes. :)
I didn't spend much time at the main stage but what time I did spend there was fun. Both bands that I heard were great.
Cutest. Dancer. Ever.
Curious George and Clifford came for a visit. Apparently "high fiving" is the new hug.
Ahhh the plastic ants. It was a popular table but frankly creeped me out. :)
There were a few dogs - not many though. And they are hard to photograph when I didn't want to be obvious about getting their attention. This guy was dying for people come visit and would wag his tail at anyone who looked at him.
I even saw a few familiar faces. This is a client with her adorable kid.
I'm not sure what these two were talking about, but it was a super cute moment.
I think the adults had as much fun as the kids.
It was a pretty fun day. Thanks Lorelei for pushing me to do something different.