Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Keeping it Fun

Have I mentioned how much I'm enjoying my 52 week project this year?  I've had the occasional frustration, but for the most part I'm really enjoying trying new things, going new places and finally taking pictures I've been thinking about for a while.  Some weeks are more creative than others, but I'm trying to do learn something new each week - or at least 3 out of 4 weeks per month. :)

This week the theme was "Budget" and you had to take a photo using props while remaining within a $20 budget.  I've been wanting to photograph bubbles for a while and it turns out that Lorelei has a bubble machine (of course she does - she has everything!) so I borrowed it.  It wasn't the best day for it because within a few minutes the bubble solution cooled and started to freeze. But I managed to get one that I liked before that happened.

A well timed outtake.  :)

I tried taking pictures of just the bubbles too - it is pretty cool to see landscape reflected in them.  Would be fun to try in a more scenic location.

In case you are wondering what frozen bubbles look like. Here's one with 2 that have already popped floating nearby.

Last week the theme was silhouette.  I've taken lots of silhouette pictures in the past so I decided to try some in a "studio" setting instead.  So I set the lights up to shine on the background.  I also tried some bubbles in the background to see if it would add some fun texture. I think I prefer the plain but this one of Lacey didn't turn out too badly.

Chewy helped me when I was setting up. She didn't really understand the whole modelling concept so this was hard to get!  The red one on the end was the original - I then just changed the hue in Lightroom to get the other 3 colours.

Coulee's image for the project...

On Sunday before I took everything down, a few friends came over and we tried some stuff with them too.  This is Zack.

And Paisley.

And I can't forget Miss Molly!  We also tried shining a light straight on them instead of on to the background. It had a pretty cool effect.

I'm glad to have this week's project done already - it leaves me more time to figure out next week's plan!


troutbirder said...

Neat pictures for sure. And your post on winter walking really hit home with me having similar experiences. With have two State Parks nearby and I always looking for way to hike my GSD's without being on leash. It usually works as people rarely are found on the trails but there are exceptions and then I have to talk fast...:)

WigglyZack said...

Amazing. Love the bubbles and of course the silhouettes