It was great to be able to spend the long weekend with my family. My sister and her family arrived on Friday night after Marlin and I spent the day cleaning and hanging out with the dogs. We went on a great walk down at Peenaquim which is where all these photos are from. Don't you love the way Lacey stayed nice and clean for the company?

The dogs and kids got along great - unless you count the fact that the kids (the youngest especially) were fairly scared of Coulee. They don't liked to be kissed but they are at the perfect height for Coulee and she couldn't resist. They are also pretty scared whenever she barks - which is fairly frequently! But Lacey did wonderfully and the kids also liked Coulee whenever she was calm. Playing fetch was also a pretty fun game for all of them.

I don't think any of us had as much fun as we would have liked, we were too busy working! Marlin and Steve installed our laminate floor in the livingroom (it looks great!!!) and also started on the frame for a new visual barrier for one of our fences at the daycare. We have people that walk down the street, see the dogs and walk up to the fence to either stare or stick their fingers through...not a good idea. The dogs go crazy and bark their heads off. We will ask people to leave and despite us being polite, they are pretty rude back to us. So we are hoping the visual barrier will help avoid the problem. If nothing else, it will provide some shade for the dogs as well.
Instead of dying easter eggs this year, the kids dyed wool! Last night the kids got to work painting some wool with Kool-aid and had a blast. My sister now has requests to knit it into fingerless mitts for the oldest, and an easter egg for the youngest. They also painted some raw wool for me so I can spin it into yarn. I can't wait to see what it will look like.

They left this morning but were having trouble with their Van so I just found out they are on their way back - good for us, not so good for them.