I just realized it has been a week since I blogged! Apparently I've been busy.
It feels like Roller Derby is taking over my life. It consumes my thoughts and my spare time. But in a good way, so I'm not complaining. I've had some sore muscles lately. After our fitness testing they were sore from sudden use, but after practice last Sunday they were sore from misuse. I strained my right quad and my left groin muscles. Skating and walking were generally pain free after the first day, but bending at the knee (like when I did falls or lunges) didn't feel so hot on my quad. I left practice on Tuesday without even making it through warm-up. I practiced with the Fresh Meat on Friday and just avoided falls and activities that might make me fall. I've got practice again tonight and hopefully it will go well.
We have a house guest this week. Micah has come to stay with us while my sister's family is enjoying Disney World. I was a little worried about how Lacey would greet her and while she wasn't a very gracious host during the first few moments, they are now playing and getting along like they used to when we fostered her last winter. Jack has his nose firmly out of joint but Micah has a healthy respect for cats and doesn't chase or pester him. He has been venturing out in the evenings and will cuddle on the couch with us even if she is in the room.
The rescue has been busy bringing in more dogs so I've photographed four of them in this past week. I have the best volunteer job ever. :)
I also have a presentation today on Pet Photography for the Lethbridge Photography Club. I've been busy putting that together, as well as making sure the technology I have is compatible with what I need. I've ended up borrowing a friend's MacBook so that we can get it to work. Fingers crossed! I haven't talked in front of an audience in a few years and I'm a little nervous. I also don't think I have a lot of "ground breaking" information so I'm worried I'll bore the audience to tears. I'm hoping pictures of cute doggies will save the day.
I think that's it... Well there is always work too of course. The dogs all seem to have their winter crazies at the moment. The dogs don't tend to get as much exercise in the winter due to the cold and the early darkness so they end up extra crazy at work because they are letting off a week's worth of steam. The definitely keep us on our toes!
I've run out of things to say to fill the space between my random photos from last week. :)
I hope everyone else is having a good weekend! I'll try and get some photos of our houseguest this week.